summersveil: homepage

📌 Welcome To Summersveil!

This is my website for all my stuff. this homepage hosts a few posts sort of in the way a twitter or tumblr page would. you can find more in-depth posts on a lot of the stuff here on the other pages to the left!

site version 2.0.3, 28/09/2023

ð“‹¼ 28/9/23 - Recent Mushroom Sightings

Here's my first attempt at posting on this site with the same stuff I put on other social media. I've been putting off getting the image formatting sorted. For now, it'll be this scroll box I got from W3Schools but I'd like to work out how to click-to-enlarge them too. For now this works great though, because it allows me to have unlimited images (already a plus over the four image limit on twitter) without taking up endless amounts of space.

24 9 23 Earthballs

Some earthballs amongst green leaves. They managed to come up and mature between a stone wall and a paved pathway. Amongst the biggest I've seen!

24 9 23 Bracket

A bracket on an old log. There were lots across the length of the log, which was also entirely adorned by mosses and ferns.

24 9 23 Earthstar

A crumpled up old earthstar with its namesake starry "petals" missing and its spore-sac collapsed. All brown and cream, in leaf-litter.

24 9 23 Amanita

A grey amanita sighted through a fence. Chewed up, but with spiky scales still visible on top! Amongst leaf litter of various autumn colours.

24 9 23 Fingers

Some dead man's fingers in a carpet of moss, leafy vegetation in background. The moss around the fingers is slightly stained with spores.

Anyway, the important part. Saw some mushrooms! These are from the two usual places - The woods around Bath golf club, and Bath Spa Uni campus. These have been reliably abundant mushroom spots for years.

27/9/23 - Site Redesign

I've changed the whole layout to make things a little easier to manage. I liked the old layout, but it was a bit tricky to deal with, especially the homepage. This one should, hopefully, be far easier. I definitely want to make it more visually interesting over time, too. Bring back the colours! Bring back the funky mushroom patterns!

I like the idea of this homepage acting similarly to twitter, tumblr, etc, with little bite sized posts that I can make whenever something interesting pops up. Not as formal as the wiki posts, just sort of day-to-day updates. And then I can just link to other stuff from here.